opening on September 21th at KB

floor: Berlin nights 20230805, 20230821 and 20230824

selection of scans from Berlin night 20230821
This summer in Berlin, asleep at night in a tent.
An open document scanner in a field under the nights sky.
A movement between a moth and the machine's buzzing lightbar.

A bit more than a century ago, an open book, moths carefully laid out on colored paper. Supposedly objectively.
Today the pale soft colors of those backgrounds are almost moving.
Here they are curtains giving the space it's soft tones.

The rock of Gibraltar between worlds. Always has been.
The history of Rembetiko is beautifully tied to a monkey's bite.
I followed the macaque to the rock and it's at night that those worlds met.
The lights of the bay of Gibraltar, the bay of Spain.
The lights of the enormous boats that have just crossed the Atlantic.
The faint lights of Ceuta. All reflected on this limestone wall.
With it's magnetic force coming from the earth's crust.
Attracting human destines. Always has been.

Gibraltar night
(2023, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Luxembourg)